Booooooom! Things have been a little crazy since gold was found in the once sleepy village of Old Town! Once infected by the gold rush fever, everyone from experienced gold miners to hotel owners are grabbing a few sticks of dynamite and running to the ghost mine. They throw their dynamite sticks — BOOM, BANG!!! — into the mine every hour to blow the gold out of the mountain at any cost!
Don t wait, start collecting! But be careful! Anyone who comes across a bat, snake, rat or ghost amongst the gold nuggets needs to get to safety quickly. And there are all sorts of other dangers lurking in the Wild West: the tense atmosphere means you might be challenged to a duel. And if the sheriff has you in his sights there s no escaping…
Boom, Bang, Gold is an exciting game with plenty of action in which speed and a good eye are important. The person who manages to collect the most nuggets in their gold chest at the end of the day wins the fast-paced hunt for gold.
In more detail, to set up, place the gold mine, filled with face-down shuffled tiles, in the center of the table. Set the pocket watch to 1:00, then give each player one stick of dynamite, one shelf, and one character with a gold chest.
On a turn, everyone throws their dynamite sticks into the gold mine at the same time, then they all search (using only one hand) to remove face-up tiles from the mine and place the tiles on their personal shelf. If you spot a special tile with bat, rat, snake, or ghost, call Watch out! so that everyone else must place their hands on their head and call out Help! before continuing to play. When no more face-up tiles remain, the round ends.
Players can play action tiles to flip over extra tiles, throw an extra piece of dynamite, duel with another player, and more. After twelve rounds, whoever has the most gold wins!